Living a Greener Life

Lifestyle Tips That Make a Difference

New Year, New You right? Well, how about a Greener you?

There’s no denying the drastic change in our environment and climate any longer. When I  think of all the factors that have led us here, it is our demanding lifestyle of convenience at a low cost that has hurt us the most.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a gal that wants things done in a ‘New York minute, but to what cost?

I’m constantly evolving from my travels and new experiences. They’ve triggered a lot of emotions and desires to do more both personally and on a bigger scale. The single use plastics are killing innocent animals and ruining beaches. Our society can do much better…

I’ve been researching a lot and feel that if we make small changes in our daily lives, a lot can change. It’s time our priorities shift.

As mentioned, we can make slight differences to our daily lives which can help:

In the Kitchen:

– Stop buying plastic water bottles, invest in filters and reusable bottles.

– Bring reusable bags to the grocery stores. I used to leave them in my car for convenience.

 Don’t store food in plastic (actually helps food stay fresh too.)

– Don’t use plastic plates/utensils. Buy another set of your existing plates/flatware. Dishwashers set on eco mode also use less water than hand washing 😉

– Eat less meat! 60% of our carbon footprint is caused my animal agriculture. I’ve been off red meat for 9 months and it’s actually easier than I thought!

– Have two garbage cans in the house- one for recycling because let’s face it sometimes we get lazy!

Your Home: 

-Many of my readers maybe buying a new home or doing repairs. Be sure to look in to energy efficient appliances, windows, flooring, use solar power and insulation.  For more subtle adjustments, change the lights in your home to LED. This can really help reduce your monthly utility bills too!

-Grow your own veggies in your garden or pots. Of course use natural fertilizers or reuse items from the kitchen like coffee grains and ground eggshells. Pinterest has a ton of suggestions.

-Stick to organic bug repellents. In Thailand they use  lemongrass scents which smelt so good and don’t harm the insects!

-Stop using Dryer sheets! They have carcinogen (cancer causing chemicals)- No thanks!

-Use organic cleaning products!  Chemicals are being washed in to our water system.

Buying Habits

-Buy organic skincare and makeup products because like the cleaning products the chemicals are being washed in to our water systems. Not to mention, most skincare and makeup brands aren’t even FDA approved 🤦🏼‍♀️

-Many clothing brands have started using sustainable garments and discount programs when you recycle unwanted clothes in stores (ie. H&M)

-Shop Consignment stores! Not only will you find buried treasures at a discounted cost but it also helps reduce pollution.


To Learn how hotels are changing their approach, check out my interview with the Akyra Beach Club in Thailand!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and additional suggestions! Leave me a comment below…

-Samantha x



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