Eco Friendly Kitchen

Turn over a new leaf in the new year by making your kitchen eco-friendly. I know that word can be a bit intimidating if you have no clue where to start but luckily for you most brands are transitioning to sustainable and eco-friendly products. So, continue reading and I will help push you in the right direction friends!

Take a step in the eco-friendly direction by utilizing your dishwasher! It is a proven fact that dishwashers use only half the energy, one-sixth of the water, and less soap than hand washing an identical set of dishes. If you want to take it another step further, purchase an energy-efficient dishwasher. They meet strict energy and water-saving efficiency standards. Not only will they qualify for Energy Star label, they are affordable.

Now for green cleaning, I have a few tips and products that will be helpful. For starters, try using natural antiseptic and antibacterial like lemon , baking soda, white vinegar and old rags rather than paper towels. If you don’t have time to be mixing up magical cleaning potions, here are common brands you can find in the store or amazon:

For all of you chefs and bakers, there are eco-friendly alternatives! From silicone baking cups to reusable kitchen towels. There are so many options to choose from: silicone baking sheets, unbleached paper liners, enamel bake set, ceramic bakeware, stainless steal or glass storage and reusable silicone bags. You can never go wrong with vegan baking as you will cut out all options of coming across packaging that can harm the environment like styrofoam, plastic, and wax paper.

An easy swamp I made in my kitchen that had  a huge impact was buying a garbage that has a two separate cans, one  for recycling and another for compost. It simplifies recycling at home. Sadly, you’ll notice how much plastic we use by how frequently you empty it vs the compost. I also use recycled garbage bags 🙂

After seeing the scarcity of  groceries during the pandemic, I decided to start growing more plants at home. Since I live in an apartment, I  went with a hydroponic try growing herbs at home with those indoor planters.

It may seem like hard work to maintain a sustainable kitchen, so I recommend to ween in to it. As you need to replenish things, just opt for the more sustainable option. I also find that shopping on online (Amazon) or the holy grail Trader Joes introduces me to more products and this lifestyle.

Would love to know more about what you’re doing in your eco-kitchen. Leave a comment below!



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