Decluttering Your Life

Start 2021 Fresh

There are so many benefits of decluttering your space! For starters, you will have more space. Furthermore, you will be able to allow new and affirming energy into your space. That can be just balance or a new manifestation board to put up on a shelf that was taken over by random things. Monetarily, you would have made some pocket change as you decluttered things that someone else could make good use of.


Give away things that don’t serve you

This is a perfect way to declutter! DO donate your old belongings to thrift stores or homeless shelters. There are so many people that are in need of clothing, containers, bags, and many more.

If you have lightly worn clothing or expensive pieces, make some extra cash and sell them on apps like Poshmark or Depop. This is such a great way to have a sustainable closet and score some nice pieces yourself.  Poshmark will allow you to trade your belongings for other items so it can be a win, win.

Getting rid of items that don’t serve you is so refreshing and frees up so much space. Personally, I always feel zen after its done.

Reorganize Your Space

Throughout the year, you might not have enough time to clean out that glove department in your car or that drawer in your kitchen. A new year or change of season always feels like a good to do so, especially since we are spending more time at home.

A few great tips to consider: look for wasted space, maximize vertical space, use containers, and make sure the items you need the most are the easiest to access. The more organizers the better. Having a “place” for your things truly helps you save time putting them away and finding them when needed. It’s been a life savor in my kitchen & skincare/makeup.

Below, you’ll see some great containers that would be a huge help as your reorganize your space.



Eco Friendly Kitchen